The Blue Cage began as a documentary and ended as a major project. The Blue Cage is more than a movie, it’s already a community that brings together almost 30,000 members on its official Facebook page. I had the honour to accompany such a project as a graphic designer from the very beginning. This is really a project that managed to combine all the talents and skills into one story, so in addition to creating a visual identity, I passed the same code through the design of the book "Director's Memoirs The Road to the Blue Cage" by Bruna Bajić, which is also sister and I was able to follow her on her journey successfully because I know the emotion she is talking about, as I am a part of that Blue Story. Along the way, there was a release of the film on a USB stick for which I designed the packaging, design for the CD cover soundtrack of the film, numerous posters, tickets, etc. that accompanied the film, and as the crown of children's books, multimedia because it contains all music stories on a card, for which I did all the illustrations, layout and design, as well as the design of the website and webshop. This is certainly one of the longest and biggest trips I have participated in as a graphic designer. and one great experience I gained along the way.
Modri kavez je započeo kao dokumentarni film, a završio kao veliki projekt. Modri kavez je više od filma, to je već zajednica koja okuplja gotovo 30000 članova na svojoj službenoj Facebook stranici. Imala sam čast da takav projekt popratim kao grafički dizajner od samoga početka. Ovo je zaista projekt koji je uspio spojiti sve talente i vještine u jednu priču, tako da sam osim same izrade vizualnog identiteta, taj isti kod provukla i kroz dizajn knjige "Redateljski memoari Put u Modri kavez" autorice Brune Bajić, koja mi je ujedno i sestra te sam je tom njenom putu mogla uspješno pratiti jer znam emociju o kojoj govori, kako sam i sama dio te Modre priče. Na tom putu je i nastalo izdanje filma na USB sticku za koji sam dizajnirala ambalažu, dizajn za CD cover soundtracka filma, mnogobrojni plakati, ulaznice i sl. koji su pratili gostovanje filma... i kao kruna knjiga za djecu, multimedijalna jer sadrži i sve priče uglazbljene na kartici, za koju sam radila sve ilustracije, prijelom i dizajn, kao i dizajn web stranice i web shopa. Ovo je svakako jedno od najdužih i najvećih putovanja na kojem sam sudjelovala kao grafički dizajner i jedno veliko iskustvo koje sam stekla na tom putu.